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Dörte Kaschdailis


Founder & Managing Partner  at opexxia GmbH


Dörte Kaschdailis is a founder and investor. She has been working in the (digital) retail environment for over 15 years. She started her career at the OTTO Group in Hamburg, most recently as Director Operations at the multi-channel retailer Planet Sports. Since 2016, Dörte has been running her own agency and advises CEOs on the (digital) development and restructuring of business models in retail. Coming from the sports and fashion industry, she is now active across all sectors. As a creative process designer who doesn't hesitate to bring even unpleasant truths to the ideas table, she designs resilient solutions with attention to detail and then implements them with a high level of energy. Her favorite playground is the combination of people and systems with a focus on automated workflows, e.g. in ERP or warehouse management systems. A native of northern Germany, she has lived in Munich for many years and is an enthusiastic mountain sportswoman.
